----------------------------------------------------------------------- All presentations available on-line T e c h n o l o g y U p d a t e : A d a a n d S P A R K f o r e d u c a t i o n a n d r e s e a r c h State-of-the-art programming language technology with Ada Formal specifications made practical with SPARK Seminar organized by the Computer Science Department of the K.U.Leuven and the Ada-Belgium organization with support from AdaCore and Altran Praxis Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 14:00-18:00 K.U.Leuven, Department of Computer Science Celestijnenlaan 200A, B-3001 Leuven (Heverlee), Belgium http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada-belgium/events/10/100223-ab-adaspark.html http://distrinet.cs.kuleuven.be/events/AdaEvent/abstracts.html ----------------------------------------------------------------------- All presentations at this half-day Seminar, held at the university in Leuven last week, are available now on the web sites of Ada-Belgium and the Distrinet research group: see URLs above. For each presentation a PDF version can be downloaded; some are also available in other formats (ODP or PPTX): - "What's New in the World of Ada" Robert Dewar, AdaCore, New York, USA - "Ada in Industry, an Experience Report" Philippe Waroquiers, EUROCONTROL/CFMU, Brussels, Belgium - "Ada in Research and Education, an Experience Report" Erhard Pl�dereder, University Stuttgart, Germany - "SPARK - The Libre Language and Toolset for High-Assurance Software" Rod Chapman, Altran Praxis, Bath, UK The seminar went very well, with a good mix of people from academia, research and industry, not only from Belgium, but also from the U.K., the Netherlands, Germany and France. Many participants told us they really appreciated the event; some of the feedback we received: "... was really interesting being there." "... a most interesting Ada meeting at the K.U.Leuven." "I did find all the presentations very interesting as well as the informal discussions with the people present." Thanks again to all presenters for their collaboration, to AdaCore for the many Ada books we handed out, to the participants for their interest, as well as for all the efforts many speakers and participants went through to come to Leuven at a time when both European high speed rail and air travel was disrupted. Enjoy the on-line presentations! Dirk Craeynest, Ada-Belgium, Dirk.Craeynest@cs.kuleuven.be ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (V20100302.1)