"Jean-Pierre Rosen" wrote in message news:2iv3lh.c8d.ln@hunter.axlog.fr... > Robert A Duff a �crit : > > Aggregates should use "[" and "]", so there's no confusion. >> An empty aggregate would be "[ ]", and a singleton >> would be "[X]". As far as I know, the only reason >> this wasn't done was because of keyboards/character sets >> that didn't have those characters. But that's a bogus >> reason -- it could be done just like the stuff in J.2. >> > It shows your age when you think you started programming on a TTY-33... That would have been an improvement. My freshman year at UW, my first real programming used Univac keypunches. They didn't even have lower case characters initially. But those were gone after a year or so; they introduced an ASCII compiler with a lot of fanfare (and incompatibility - characters took up 3 more bits). Randy.