"Hibou57 (Yannick Duch�ne)" wrote in message news:4683c5b7-29ef-4cac-a69b-e7d14a69f40d@j31g2000yqa.googlegroups.com... >Hello, > >A bit randomly, I've landed on document talking about an � AJPO end of >mission �. >http://sw-eng.falls-church.va.us/ajpofaq.html#mirror > ... >I had always though the AJPO was responsible of Ada compilers >validation and certifications. It seems I was driven into error by >historical documents I was believing to be up to date (from place to >place, I use to see the web site of this and this compiler vendor >proudly announcing the AJPO had validated its product). The ARA took over responsiblity for validations (now called "conformity assessment") following an ISO standardized process when AJPO was closed. See http://www.adaic.com/compilers/testing.html for some information and articles on the process. But note that no one is formally doing these any more; the major value of the process is the existence of the test suite and the fact that compilers follow it. Since vendors all follow the ACATS without formal testing, there hasn't been too much demand for the extra costs involved with the formal testing. Randy Brukardy, ACAA Technical Agent