"Jeffrey Carter" a �crit dans le message de news:yWOnc.14671$V97.11541@newsread1.news.pas.earthlink.net... > OOP (which is unrelated to OOD) is really about increasing ease of > writing at the expense of ease of reading; that's why it's embraced by > the same coders who prefer C to Ada. Software engineers emphasize ease > of reading over ease of writing and prefer Ada to C, and don't mind > having to recompile to achieve that. I agree with some guy named Rosen > who had an /Ada Letters/ article about what orientation Ada's objects > should take, and concluded that composition was more readable than > inheritance. (See also Carter, J. R., "OOP vs. Readability," /Ada > Letters/, 1997 Mar/Apr.) Well, I agree with that guy :-). If you remember one of my previous posts, I said "if you don't want tagged types, don't use them". I am furiously fighting against the "inheritance everywhere" disease. However, the opposite of "inheritance everywhere" is not "inheritance nowhere". There are cases where inheritance can be useful; I would not describe it as favouring ease of writing over ease of reading, but rather as favouring flexibility over security. There are some applications where flexibility is a prime concern. -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr