In article <>, Costas Peppas wrote: > > > Let me start by saying that I FINALLY FOUND IT! That's > > > right!. I found it! And I HATE GET RICH QUICK SCHEMES!! I hate those > > > schemes like multi level marketing, mail-order schemes, envelope > > > stuffing scams, 900 number scams... the list goes on forever. I have > > > tried every darn get rich quick scheme out there over the past 12 > > > years. I somehow got on mailing lists for people looking to make > > > money (more like 'desperate stupid people who will try anything for > > > money!'). Well, when I was a teenager, these claims to 'get me > > > rich quick' sounded irresistible! I would shell out $14.95 here, > > > $29.95 there, $24.95 here, and another $49.95 there. I had maxed > > > out my new Circuit City Card AND my Visa...I was desperate for > > > money!! So, I gave them all a chance but failed at every one of > > > them! Maybe they worked for some people, but not for me. > > > Eventually, I just tossed that JUNK MAIL in the trash when I got the > > > mail. I recognized it right away. I can smell a money scam from a > > > mile away these days, SO I THOUGHT....I thought I could sniff out > > > a scam easily. WAS I WRONG!! ....I LOVE THE INTERNET!!! > > > > > > I was scanning thru a NEWSGROUP and saw an article stating to > > > GET CASH FAST!! I thought..."Here on the Internet?? Well, I'll just > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Do you have any idea HOW MANY people use > that EXACT same quote? :) "HERE?!?!?! ON THE NET!?!?!?" You guys are > all so pathetic.... On eguy writes a whole thing... and all the rest of > teh losers just copy EXACTLY what they said..... Although yojur the > first person that hasn't said "I spoke to my friends, family, and my > attourny"..... If you're going to do something illigal (which this is), > you can at least be original, and write your own scam letter. > > > > ... I know this isn't replied to the actual person who wrote this, but > it threads back :) ... I totally agree about the lack of originality in these posts...everyone saying that they recieved money within a week..??!!This is impossible ...I think...I mean u send the money..that takes a few days(even with airmail)and then these persons are going to put u on the list and send money back..which takes a few days it smells like a scam,only for this reason... BUT...I find it strange that I haven�t read ONE single post from someone who tried this and didn�t get anything in I�m beginning to it not possible that this some extent??I mean 50000$...well....but maybe a couple thousand..??Where are all the people(there must be quite a few)who have tried this and got ripped off?????I find it strange that none of them post some warnings like:"I tried it,I got ripped off!!Don�t let them fool u"...etc.I mean ,I read these posts all the time...but all the people who are saying this is a scam,haven�t actually tried it for themselves...atleast they won�t admit it!!! So...people who have tried this ..come out come out ,wherever u R...and tell us how it went:-)