"Ludovic Brenta" a �crit dans le message de news:87llguk9k1.fsf@insalien.org... > Indeed, hidden assumptions are evil, and the Enlightened Ones use > System.Storage_Unit instead of just "8". Somehow, "8" is too short to > type and read :) Sure, but we are in a C context here. Try to explain to a C programmer that a byte does not necessarily have eight bits :-) > > Note that sizeof is *not* a regular function (a regular function > > could not have a type as the parameter). It is handled very > > specially in the C compiler, therefore there is no way you could get > > to it from another language. > > I suppose 'Size is also handled specially by Ada compilers, right? All attributes are handled specially of course, but it is explicit. The goal of having a special syntax for attributes is to avoid *hidden* magic, and by the way, it is why it is a good thing that users are not allowed to define their own attributes. It saves you from interesting question like "what happens if a user defines a function called sizeof?". -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr