"Hibou57 (Yannick Duch�ne)" wrote in message news:4d141211-8950-496d-9787-eb0db24aced6@x38g2000yqj.googlegroups.com... > Here is the link to the *partial* mirror : > ftp://ftp.cs.kuleuven.ac.be/pub/Ada-Belgium/mirrors/pal/ > > I gonna make a backup right now, before this one disappears the same > way as all the others ... Please don't worry about that; there is a copy in the AdaIC archives: http://archive.adaic.com/ase/index.html This is a copy of Dirk's FTP site, except of course it is available through HTTP, not FTP, so you can browse it and find it from Google. There isn't much chance of AdaIC disappearing as long as Ada exists, so I wouldn't worry about it disappearing. (We have it in the archives as it has not been maintained for years, so there is some stale stuff in it, like ancient versions of GNAT.) Randy.