"Jean-Pierre Rosen" wrote in message news:epcs4e.qb8.ln@hunter.axlog.fr... > Nasser Abbasi a �crit : > > What are the technical language specific reasons why Fortran would be > > selected over Ada? > > > Some immediate reasons: > 1) Packaging. Packages allow better organization of software, which is > good for any kind of application. Modules? > 9) Generics. Stop rewriting these damn sorting routines 1000 times. Generic procedures are available in Fortran. > 10) Default parameters. Makes complex subprograms (simplex...) much > easier to use. > > 11) Operators on any types, including arrays. Define a matrix product as > "*"... Well, you can do that too in Fortran with UDO's (for another symbol). But there's no need to, with MATMUL (a builtin matrix multiplication procedure).