The requirement is with the function that i already got is to put everything in my procedure but i don't know how : that my real problem...i work on that for about 3 days and i don't know how to... if you could help tahnx "Jeffrey Carter" a �crit dans le message news: > Mich wrote: > > > > ok here my package and i need to create a procedure named Date_Valide > > but i don't know how. my package goes like that: > > Actually, it looks as if you know how to create a function. Procedures > are similar, but don't return a value: > > procedure Date_Valide is > -- null; > begin -- Date_Valide > null; > end Date_Valide; > > If I knew the requirements for procedure Date_Valide I could perhaps be > more helpful. > > > PACKAGE lesdates IS > > TYPE Date IS RECORD > > Jour : Natural; > > Mois : Natural; > > Ann�e : Natural; > > END RECORD; > > So, what does zero mean as a year? A number not in 1 .. 12 for a month? > A number not in 1 .. 31 for a day? You should take a look at > Ada.Calendar, and perhaps use some of the subtypes defined there: > > type Date is record > Ann�e : Positive; > Mois : Ada.Calendar.Month_Number; > Jour : Ada.Calendar.Day_Number; > end record; > > This would make validating dates much easier. > > Jeffrey Carter