"Jean-Pierre Rosen" wrote in message news:rkr7df.7mp.ln@hunter.axlog.fr... > Steve a �crit : ... > > This kind of interaction with building GUI applications is nothing new. > > It's similar to the way things have worked with Visual Basic and Delphi for > > a long time. Sadly Ada is lacking in this area. > > > What you describe is exactly what you get with GtkAda/Glade. Ada lacks > nothing when you know where to look for... He said specifically that GtkAda didn't work well for him on Windows. Mine own experience has been that GtkAda programs are ugly Windows programs (as are Java GUI ones). Of course, that's less of a problem these days when virtually all programs have abandoned sane, clean appearing GUIs in favor of masses of indescribable eye candy. I've pretty much given up buying/downloading any software because the vast majority is either horrible or ugly or slow or all three. (I write the vast majority of what I need in Ada -- that's probably one of the signs of oncoming insanity. ;-) Randy.