"Pascal Obry" wrote in message news:4669BBBB.8040806@obry.net... > Stefan Lucks a �crit : > > If a task fails to handle an exception raised somewhere inside, the task > > silently dies -- without notifying anyone. Enforcing the subprograms > > used by the task to precisely specify "this subprogram might raise these > > exceptions and none else" would help a lot ... > > That's really different. And think about it, since a task is mapped to a > thread which comes with its own stack... who could possibly handle this > exception ? And more importantly, where would it be raised? If it was raised in the parent task, that could happen anywhere, which would be a design nightmare (a different nightmare than the current one, anyway). > And note that in Ada 2005 you can use Ada.Task_Termination to register > termination notifications. It's unfortunate that the default isn't to notify someone, however. Worse, this interface might not work in out-of-memory circumstances (one of the most common reasons for task failure, at least in Janus/Ada programs where the default stack size is rather small). Randy.