"Jean-Pierre Rosen" wrote in message news:vhuedd.d2n.ln@hunter.axlog.fr... > Randy Brukardt a �crit : > > > Not at all. All that is settled is that it will be called that until the > > standard is published (just like the previous version was called "Ada 9X" > > until it was published). At that point, the topic will be revisted. > > Sorry, but nothing of the kind has ever been said. It certainly was said several times. > In York, ISO passed a motion to recommend that the vernacular name of > the language be Ada 2005. We needed some sort of decision now because we had to decide what to put into the documents. But such a motion stands only until it is revised. Which it will be. Your note suggests to me that many people at WG9 didn't understand what we were trying to decide. (Or I was lied to.) In any case, it's clear that I'll have to make sure that what I understood actually is done. ("Revisiting" doesn't necessarily mean "change", of course, just that it is properly considered.) > Of course, ISO cannot rule how people speak, > so anybody can call the language the way he wants. The official name > will be ISO/IEC 8652:1995 with corr. 1 and amdmt 1. You mean the official name of the documents. That will be: ISO/IEC 8652:1995 with CORR1:2001 and AMD.1:200y (where the "y" will be replaced by the publication year). I doubt many people will use that for any purpose. Randy.