----------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Participation *** PROGRAM SUMMARY *** 11th International Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe 2006 5 - 9 June 2006, Porto, Portugal http://www.ada-europe.org/conference2006.html Organised, on behalf of Ada-Europe, by Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto in cooperation with ACM SIGAda *** Preliminary Program Available on Website *** *** Guaranteed Hotel Reservations expires April, 4th *** ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Ada-Europe organises annual international conferences since the early 80's. This is the 11th event in the Reliable Software Technologies series, previous ones being held at Montreux, Switzerland ('96), London, UK ('97), Uppsala, Sweden ('98), Santander, Spain ('99), Potsdam, Germany ('00), Leuven, Belgium ('01), Vienna, Austria ('02), Toulouse, France ('03), Palma de Mallorca, Spain ('04), York, UK ('05). Quick overview - Mon 5 & Fri 9: tutorials - Tue 6 - Thu 8: paper, industrial & vendor presentations, exhibition Program co-chairs - Lu�s Miguel Pinho, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal lpinho@dei.isep.ipp.pt - Michael Gonz�lez Harbour, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain mgh@unican.es Invited speakers - Rod Chapman, Praxis HIS, UK, "Correctness by Construction: Putting Engineering into Software" - Henrique Madeira, University of Coimbra, Portugal, "Empirical Software Risk Assessment Using Fault Injection" - Miguel Angel de Miguel, Technical University of Madrid, Spain, "Model Driven Technologies in Safe-aware Software Applications" - John L. Hill, Sun Microsystems, USA, "I Have a Dream: ICT Problems We All Face" Tutorials (full day) - "Developing Web-aware Applications in Ada with AWS", Jean-Pierre Rosen (Adalog) - "SAE Architecture Analysis and Design Language". Joyce L. Tokar (Pyrrhus Software) - "Requirements management for dependable systems", William Bail (The Mitre Corporation) - "Real-Time Java for Ada Programmers", Benjamin M. Brosgol (AdaCore) Tutorials (half day) - "Verification and validation for reliable software systems", William Bail (The Mitre Corporation) - "The Ada 2005 Standard Container Library", Matthew Heaney (On2 Technologies) - "Model Driven Development with the Unified Modeling Language "(UML) 2.0 and Ada", Colin Coates (I-Logix UK) - "Distribution in Ada 95 with PolyORB, A Schizophrenic Middleware", J�r�me Hugues (ENST) Papers and Presentations - 19 refereed technical papers on real-time systems, static analysis, verification, applications, reliability, compilers and distributed systems - 9 industrial presentations, on current practice and challenges - authors from 13 countries: Australia, Austria, Canada, China, France, Germany, Iran, Italy, Japan, Portugal, Spain, the UK, and the USA Exhibition - several exhibitors already committed - vendor presentation tracks for exhibitors Social evening events - Tuesday: visit of, and reception at, a Port wine cellar - Wednesday: banquet at the Porto former Customs House Registration - early registration discount up to Mon May 12, 2006: **don't delay!** - additional discount for academia, Ada-Europe and ACM members - registration includes copy of printed proceedings, published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science series (LNCS) and distributed at event - includes coffee breaks, lunches, social events - three day conference registration includes conference banquet Please note that we strongly advice all participants to book early, as June is a very busy period for hotels in Porto. Particularly in 2006, since Porto will host the final of the Under-21 UEFA European Football Championship in the 4th of June. For more info and latest updates see the conference web site at http://www.ada-europe.org/conference2006.html or contact salmeida@dei.isep.ipp.pt. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement. Please circulate widely. Dirk.Craeynest@cs.kuleuven.be, Ada-Europe'2006 Publicity Chair *** 11th Intl.Conf.on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe'2006 *** June 5-9, 2006 ** Porto, Portugal ** http://www.ada-europe.org *** (V9.1)