"Nick Roberts" a �crit dans le message de news:opsbf2fpb0p4pfvb@bram-2... > Am I too late to make a proposal for a new pragma for > the Ada 2005 Amendment? Yes > It would have the syntax: > > pragma Zero_Fill(simple_name); >[...] > Either way, I think the pragma would be useful in real > programs, I would not think so. 1) There is nothing special with the value 0 in Ada. You can have (easily) types where value 0 does not belong to the type, therefore 0 would not be better than any random value. 2) An uninitialized variable is a bug. This would help hiding bugs, not finding them. 3) Because of 2), there is already pragma Initialize_Scalars, which purposedly initializes all scalars to an *invalid* value (if possible). Therefore, you'll get Constraint_Error during the first tests, not in production use. Much better. -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr