From mboxrd@z Thu Jan 1 00:00:00 1970 Path:!!.POSTED!not-for-mail From: Nicolas Paul Colin de Glocester Newsgroups: fr.comp.lang.ada,comp.lang.ada, Subject: Re: Canal+ crash Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2024 13:11:31 +0200 Organization: A noiseless patient Spider Message-ID: References: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; BOUNDARY="8323329-328323417-1721556449=:1616845" Injection-Date: Sun, 21 Jul 2024 13:11:37 +0200 (CEST) Injection-Info:; posting-host="a47764c5537425a55bf16ba3f13f03d9"; logging-data="86342"; mail-complaints-to=""; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX19OslDz6xbMsn4kVVnWZ/V+t1R5eKYAlZ3AxNve9KeCQQ==" Cancel-Lock: sha1:nlIieOIrDM9dwnz2q2qxfbLpF58= Content-ID: <> In-Reply-To: Xref: fr.comp.lang.ada:2293 comp.lang.ada:66237 List-Id: This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. --8323329-328323417-1721556449=:1616845 Content-Type: text/plain; CHARSET=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE Content-ID: On Sun, 21 Jul 2024, Dmitry A. Kazakov wrote: "Yup, however some crackpot could always suggest an attack on bounds checki= ng,=20 e.g. exception vs. not, index to bounds comparison dependent on the actual= =20 values etc, and then produce a lengthy paper on a constructed absolutely=20 unrealistic scenario... (:-))" Hello, Supposedly scientific journals are rife with evil unrealistic fraudulent=20 papers which cause really deadly consequences. Cf. inter alia @article {fulltext6.pdf, author =3D {Labb\'{e}, Cyril and Labb\'{e}, Dominique}, pages=3D{379--396}, year=3D{2013}, volume=3D{94}, issue=3D{1}, title =3D {{Duplicate and fake publications in the scientific literatur= e:=20 how many SCIgen papers in computer science?}}, journal =3D {Scientometrics}, abstract =3D {Two kinds of bibliographic tools are used to retrieve=20 scientific publications and make them available online. For one kind,=20 access is free as they store information made publicly available online.=20 For the other kind, access fees are required as they are compiled on=20 information provided by the major publishers of scientific literature. The= =20 former can easily be interfered with, but it is generally assumed that the= =20 latter guarantee the integrity of the data they sell. Unfortunately,=20 duplicate and fake publications are appearing in scientific conferences=20 and, as a result, in the bibliographic services. We demonstrate a software= =20 method of detecting these duplicate and fake publications. Both the free=20 services (such as Google Scholar and DBLP) and the charged-for services=20 (such as IEEE Xplore) accept and index these publications.}, } and=20 @online{dieHimmelistschoen, author =3D {{Schlangemann (pseudonym)}, Herbert}, title =3D {{The Official Herbert Schlangemann Blog}}, url =3D {HTTP://}, year =3D {2008--2010} } and HTTP://Gloucester.Insomnia247.NL/Evil_which_is_so-called_science/ I myself wrote on 13th April 2012: "On February 19th 2012, Nicholas Collin Paul de Glouce=C5=BFter wrote: |--------------------------------------------------------------------------= ------| |"Dear Sir/Madam: = | | = | |[. . .] = | | = | |I am a whistleblower and as such I am a victim of fraud, = | |much of which the Association for Computing Machinery = | |provided to people without publishing any of my attempts to = | |expose misconduct. Shame on you. = | | = | |I tried to expose fraud which I discovered when I applied = | |for a George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship. An anonymous = | |reviewer wished me well and he or she advised me that I have = | |"other methods to ask for redress" but he or she left the = | |message too vague for me to take my complaints further. I = | |asked the Association for Computing Machinery for help in = | |obtaining more details as to which "other methods to ask for = | |redress" I have. I did not receive an answer to this = | |question. Why? = | | = | |Why does your website contain no warning that the paper = | |"OCCN: A Network-On-Chip Modeling and Simulation Framework", = | |DATE '04 is fraudulent? Shame on you. = | | = | |Yours sincerely, = | |Colin Paul Gloster = | | = | | = | |On October 6th, 2011, Nicholas Collin Paul de Glouce=C5=BFter = | |sent questions to without receiving = | |answers: = | |"On October 5th, 2011, Mail Delivery Subsystem | |claimed: = | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------| = | ||"The original message was received at Wed, 05 Oct 2011 04:51:54 -0400| = | || | = | || ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- | = | || | = | || | = | || ----- Transcript of session follows ----- | = | ||.. while talking to | = | ||>>> RCPT To: | = | ||<<< 550 #5.1.0 Address rejected." | = | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------| = | | = | | = | |Gloster sent to on October 5th, = | |2011: = | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------| = | ||"Dear Sir/Madam, | = | || | = | ||As you would be aware, my application for a George Michael | = | ||Memorial HPC Fellowship for 2011 failed. | = | || | = | ||Reviewer 3 was nice to comment: | = | ||"Good luck with your research. A word of advice, this typy a | = | ||submission is the forum to air the grievances you indicate. You have | = | ||other methods to ask for redress." | = | || | = | ||I hope to be informed of details of how to proceed with airing the | = | ||aforementioned grievances. What "other methods to ask for redress" do| = | ||I "have"? | = | || | = | ||Yours faithfully, | = | ||Nicholas Collin Paul de Glouce=C5=BFter" = | | ||---------------------------------------------------------------------| = | | = | | = | |Dear Sir/Madam: = | | = | |I emailed and so I received a bounce re= port | |for . = | |Has anyone actually received the email which I had sent to = | | ? = | | = | |I mentioned in one of the online surveys which you requested me to partake= in | |after I left Italy that I am a victim of fraud published by ACM. In the = | |fellowship application I mentioned two fraudulent papers published by ACM = which | |a so-called "tutor" had ordered me to praise (he and the coauthors are fri= ends | |to each other). He himself had coauthored a similar fraudulent paper. I re= fused | |to participate in this unethical activity. He censored my findings that th= ey are| |fraudsters and he said that if I would not quit then I would be failed for= not | |having a publication. = | | = | |I tried to expose this in "ACM Computing Surveys" and "The Journal of the = ACM" | |but the manuscripts were rejected. = | | = | |It seems that one reviewer for the fellowship cared, but the advice given = was | |not explicit enough for me to enact. Has the question reached that reviewe= r? | | = | |Shall ACM retract fraudulent publications? When shall ACM = | |begin adhering to its own Code of Ethics? = | | = | |Yours faithfully, = | |Nicholas Collin Paul de Glouce=C5=BFter"" = | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------= ------| Dear Sir/Madam: Why have I not yet received answers to any of the questions above? Why does the ACM Portal of the Association for Computing Machinery show=20 so-called "research" which was reported and proven to be fraudulent=20 without warning that it is fraudulent? Yours faithfully, Colin Paul Gloster" The ACM let be sent: |--------------------------------------------------------------------------= ------------------| |"25-Aug-2010 = | | = | |Dear Mr. de Glouce=C5=BFter, = | | = | |I am sorry to inform you that your paper has been rejected. Unfortunately,= ACM Computing | |Surveys is able to accept only a rather small percentage of the submission= s it receives. | | = | |I have read your paper. It is clear that you feel that you have a grievan= ce against the | |University of Pisa and the SHAPES group. I am not prepared to let you use= ACM Computing | |Surveys as a vehicle for publicising that grievance. The language that yo= u have used in the| |paper is intemperate and would potentially lead to legal problems for the = ACM if we were to | |publish it. = | | = | |Sincerely, = | | = | |Chris Hankin = | |Editor-in-Chief = | |ACM Computing Surveys" = | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------= ------------------| "[. . .] * 7. Why did you let your membership to ACM lapse? Please select all that= =20 apply. I didn=E2=80=99t see the value in my membership [. . .] Too expensive [. . .] Other (please specify) I had complained to you about subsidy fraud which you publish (I used to=20 work under a coauthor fraudster). You refuse to retract it so you are=20 accomplices so a subsidy fraudster got away with perpetrating perjury=20 covering up this fraud so he went on to murder 3 men. [. . .] * 9. Would you consider renewing your ACM membership in the future? [. . .] No [. . .] 10. Please share what would compel you to become a member of ACM again. Please publish errata and retractions and apologies. Testify against=20 scientific malconduct instead of pretending that you adhere to your "Code= =20 of Ethics". Resurrect the victims whose murders you are guilty of in 2nd=20 or 3rd degrees. Repair my reputation. Refuse to publish baloney. Arrange a= =20 fair PhD exam for me (I whistleblow against a PhD so-called "tutor" so I=20 am denied even a dissertation defense!). Make amends." wrote I myself on HTTPS:// on April 20th, 2024. This survey stated that the Association for Computing= =20 Machinery wants to contact me afterwards to try to get me to join, but 3=20 months and 1 day afterwards I still do not get a follow-up. Note by the way that a court made a final unappealable court order for a=20 PhD scholarship to be paid to myself but such a defendant refuses to obey= =20 such an order. Note also that a court made orders to allow me to go to a=20 university but such a putative university disobeyed such orders and=20 instead got armed professional combatants to hit me out even though I did= =20 not threaten (confirmed by a district attorney); I myself did not fight=20 (confirmed by CCTV); and I did not have a weapon (confirmed by policemen).= =20 Cf. HTTPS:// Sinc=C3=A8res salutations. Nicolas Paul Colin de Glocester --8323329-328323417-1721556449=:1616845--