Hello Im trying to learn GtkAda on Windows, i need it for a school proyect with graphic interface and it must be on Windows. I looked at the tutorial and hello world and I understad all very well, but I realized that its impossible to close the black window, "console" or whatever you wanna call it. It�s useful for text "put"s when debugging, but its really ugly when the program is done. I�ve seen some screenshots of GtkAda programs on linux and they don�t have the console window, but I can�t find any shot from a Windows machine. Even downloaded binaries (LinXtris) run with this irritating windows. - Is there any way to call Gtk.Main.Main closing that console??? I�ve searched in google but there is no help about GtkAda, only the "official" user guide - Am I a horrible searcher or is that the only help avalible? I saw some other libraries like GWindows or GNATWin. - Do they allow to make only-graphic programs? And maybe this may be kind of weird but, is it possible to do something like C�s fork(); in ADA? I�ve thought that Gtk.Main could be ran from a "child process"... I�ve been working much more time with C than with ADA, so i still have ideas from C. Thanks for reading and a lot more for any answers.