1. ��continue�� reserve word support? Ada has no ��continue�� word. outer:loop execute_some_Statement_here0; EXIT when some_condition; execute_some_Statement_here1; inner: loop execute_some_Statement_here3; IF some_condition_is_true THEN goto outerContinueLabel; END IF; execute_some_Statement_here4; end loop inner; execute_some_Statement_here5; <> null; end loop outer; It's hard to read, How should I do to remove "goto" ....? 2. type declare problem I know there are some choices can apply to my program. ( a ). Type stock_price is new float; ( b ). Type stock_price is digits 5; ( c ). Subtype stock_price is float; I know if I use ( c ) style. I can mix stock_price and float type to compute together. if we don't consider ( c ) style, only consider (a) and (b). which style is best? 3. possible assign a IEEE754 NaN value to float type variable? I use gwindows.database package to access atabase. It is great and very easy to use. Unfortunately, my database exits some null value in a table. Many other languages will assign a NaN value to variable if it is null value and float type. Can I assign a NaN to float variable, like other languages?