Hello! I'm trying to interface to an OPC Dll on W2k, which uses callbacks. What I've done successfully do far is to set up a procedure to be runned by the dll, as a callback. I get the callback, and can interpret some of its contents, but I fail when I map a c++ VARIANT type. The dll looks like this: void CALLBACK EXPORT OPCUpdateCallback (HANDLE hGroup, HANDLE hItem, VARIANT *pVar, FILETIME *pTimeStamp, DWORD *pQuality) I mapped it like this to a procedure like this: type Opc_Callback_Handler_Type is access protected procedure(Group : Group_Handle_Type; Item : Item_Handle_Type; Value : Byte_Array_Ptr; Timestamp : File_Time_Type; Quality : D_Word); where I also have these definitions package C renames Interfaces.C; type Byte is range 0..255; for Byte'Size use 8; type Byte_Array is array (Natural range <>) of aliased Byte; type Byte_Array_Ptr is access all Byte_Array(1..16); type Server_Handle_Type is new C.Long; type Group_Handle_Type is new C.Long; type Item_Handle_Type is new C.Long; type D_Word is range 0 .. 2**16 -1; for D_Word'Size use 16; type File_Time_Type is record Low_Date_Time : C.Long := C.Long'First; High_Date_Time : C.Long := C.Long'First; end record; I get the Group and the Item and something in the byte_array, that seems to change fairly ok accordingly to the callback, but the filetime and quality is not reported, which makes me thing that my VARIANT mapping is wrong? Any suggestions? /Bj�rn