On 3 Jul 1997 00:44:12 +0200, Geert Bosch wrote: >In comp.lang.ada system@niuhep.physics.niu.edu wrote: > ``I would not necessily expect OS/2's compiler to have the same effeciency > as Linux's. Assuming the hardware is identical the other question I have > (not having read the original post) is whether you were running a GUI on > Linux?'' > >Please use emxload -e -gnat before doing any performance tests. This >keeps the GNAT binaries in VM (real memory or swap space) instead >of reloading and relocating them every time they are needed. This >makes a huge difference in speed, esp. with small files. >Because filesystem caching in Linux is better, this is less of an issue >with Linux. and set "SET GCCOPT=-pipe" in your config.sys to prevent gnat from using tempfiles. It uses pipes instead. Haug -- Save a tree use email to haug@zesi.ruhr.de (Haug B�rger)