In article , wrote: [...] >But original laurent's demand was about standart. If Ada ORB do not stick to >the latest CORBA version, it will cause interoperability problems, and will >be also interpreted as a further Ada influence loss. > >As Volkert said, for a company involved in big systems, this may lead to Ada >drop (and exceptionnaly with an andisputable reason). > >Maybe need we just that ORB vendors set our minds at rest by reaffirming >their commitment in Ada for CORBA, as do by Jean-Claude in this thread. > >-- >Lionel Draghi It may be useful to point our here that similar threads are ongoing in the comp.object.corba newsgroup. Victor Giddings of Objective Interface System posted there some responses to the issues mentioned above. FYI, I've included the most relevant below. ------- From: Victor Giddings Newsgroups: comp.object.corba Subject: Re: CORBA mapping for Ada Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 20:46:55 -0000 Organization: Objective Interface System (Gary D. Duzan) wrote in news:kfdlb.129$lK3.67 > In article , > Laurent Pautet wrote: >>It seems to me that the last Ada mapping is for CORBA 2.3. But nothing >>seems to be done to update it for CORBA 2.X (X > 3) or CORBA 3.0. I always cringe a little when I see statements like this, even if it the fault of the OMG in part. The fact is that IDL does not change very often, so the mapping for CORBA 2.3 is equally useful for 3.0, etc. The work of updating is more often adding a new operation to CORBA.Object or something like that, or clarifying the specification of existing features of the mapping. In fact, anything more major would be outside of the scope of what an RTF (REVISION Task Force) is allowed to do. Case in point was value types, which required a new RFP. >>Could someone tell me what is going on ? Is the ada-rtf still >>active ? > > The OMG site shows a document number for a revised Ada mapping > with this month's date on it, but no actual document yet. I would > expect to see something soon, and the PTC will likely address it > at the November meeting in London. > > Gary Duzan > BBN Technologies > A Verizon Company This is correct. We are working to have an update to meet the 3-week deadline for the London meeting (due Monday!). Status can be tracked at -- Victor Giddings Senior Product Engineer +1 703 295 6500 Objective Interface Systems Fax: +1 703 295 6501 ------- From: Victor Giddings Newsgroups: comp.object.corba Subject: Re: ADA CORBA intro ? Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2003 22:06:04 -0000 Organization: Objective Interface System Tom Welsh wrote in news:atIlyLAQpb4 > In article , Stefan N�we> writes >>Hi there! >> >>Does anyone know a CORBA tutorial/introduction for the >>rare species of ADA programmers ? >> > A Google search for simply "CORBA Ada" turns up a surprising amount of > material. > > A good start might be You can also refer to my Ada Letters article of five or six years ago, before I left MITRE. (I can't recall the specific issue, but could look it up for you). I've also done a more recent article for the COTS Journal (V 3, No. 5, May 2001), but it is more an advocacy article than a tutorial. > Whether you can get really substantial material free of charge is > another matter, as CORBA and Ada is a relatively exotic combination > likely to be of interest mainly to engineers and military/aerospace > developers. You might be surprised at the range of application our Ada product has been used in. This includes an ocean-going yacht, high-energy physics applications, ... -- Victor Giddings Senior Product Engineer +1 703 295 6500 Objective Interface Systems Fax: +1 703 295 6501 ------- That said, it wouldn't hurt to *see* a bit more Ada related news from CORBA vendors, both in this newsgroup and elsewhere. I hope this helps. Dirk ( for Ada-Belgium/Europe e-mail) *** Intl. Conference on Reliable Software Technologies - Ada-Europe'2004 *** June 14-18, 2004, Palma de Mallorca, Spain ** ***