Hi everyone, I've been looking at my stats on my website, I'm happy to report a dayly average of 2,907 hits per day :-). with a peak of 4,912 a few days ago. My question is this. My stats allow me to know from who (if any) people have been reaching my site from. some of them are obvious to me as in I can click on them and get right to the website and/or I know what website I see and recognize them :-).....but I get others...such as: news.boeing.com/aIGab.2880%24Ie5.656551%40news20.bellglobal.com Which I can't directly go to....Does anyone happen to know where these come from? I've been at news.boeing.com itself through google searches but I haven't seen anything that refered to my website in the contents. I'd like to get to these (there's more to) but I'm not sure how. I tried subscribing to news.boeing.com to see it's newsgroups but to no avail...aren't they all public news group? where would I have to subscribe to get to them? Thanks all in advance :-) -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster http://www.adaworld.com