You may use LaTeX and package lstlistins. Reports look beautifil and it is easy to maintain them, package it is very easy to use (of course when you are familiar with LaTeX) -- ############################################ ## Michal Morawski ## 95-200 Pabianice, Sempolowskiej 5 m 13 ## tel/fax ++48 42 2262228 ############################################ Nigdy nie opieram sie pokusie, poniewaz przekonalem sie, ze rzeczy, kt�re mi szkodza, nie kusza mnie. "Mark" wrote in message > I'm not used to working in MSWindows, and I'm not used to printing paper. > > However, I am currently trying to figure out a good way to print some > formatted business reports. So far it looks like I could write the data > in RTF format and get Notepad to do the printing. Or I could write it > out in PS and use ghostscript ... maybe use groff to create the > postscript? > > How do others print out formatted reports with Ada? > > Mark >