Hi! I'm considering using a Motorola 68332 based controller (Eyebot) in student projects, and I am therefore in need of a suitable Ada compiler. If anyone can help me find a usable and cheap (academic/educational license?) compiler I would really appreciate this. I've already got an offer from one vendor but although there was a 96% discount on the compiler itself, a cost of �10.000,- for a 2 year _mandatory_ support and maintenance agreement is far too high. For simplicity I would prefer a compiler that could be run on a PC under Windows or Linux. More information on the Eyebot controller can be found at http://www.ee.uwa.edu.au/~braunl/eyebot/. Best regards, Rune -- ----------------------------------------------------------- Rune Winther, Ph.D. Associate Professor Research Scientist Faculty of Computer Sciences OECD Halden Reactor Project Ostfold College Norway +47 69215370 rune.winther@hiof.no -----------------------------------------------------------