you should probably use something like aprobe (see -- Jean-Claude MAHIEUX Top Graph'X Sales Manager 10 All�e de la Mare Jacob 91290 La Norville - FRANCE Tel : +33 1 69 26 97 88 Fax : +33 1 69 26 97 89 Email : URL : German Representative : US Representative : "Victor Porton" a �crit dans le message de news: 3e40b4ae$0$344$ > I have a problem with an Ada program, which is possibly access to a > dangling reference (e.g. after Unchecked_Deallocation). > > Do I guess rightly that JGNAT (as opposed to normal Gnat) will detect > this problem for me? Is JGNAT free? > > In general how to find dereferencing dangling references in Ada? I > would use an OO wrapper around accesses which would do reference > counting (in debug mode), but living entirely without accesses seems > bad.