What about a tool that goes the other why around ? Ada to Pascal ? Kind Regards, Lennie De Villiers EMail: ddevilliers@lando.co.za Web: www.lando.co.za/Lennie CV/Resume: www.lando.co.za/Lennie/CV.htm "Deliver yesterday, code today, think tomorrow. " - Programming Humor --- Original Message -- > Hello. Recently G. A. Craig Carey (mostly) and I reworked P2Ada, a > command-line Pascal to Ada translator. > > P2Ada is now able to translate large sources. Depending on > the sources, the pre-work needed to have a successful translation and > the rework after translation have been significantly reduced. > > URL: http://www.mysunrise.ch/users/gdm/gsoft.htm#p2ada > > Two recent "success stories": > - porting of MAS (Modula-2 Algebra System, 73 kSlocs) > by using Mod2P and P2Ada > - porting of the Numerical Recipes in Pascal. > > Bugs fixed: a lot! > > Some of the new features: > > - Support for Sqr, Odd, Eof, Eoln, Read, ReadLn, Ord, Chr (standard Pascal) > and type Double > - For Borland integers, a transitional package is provided. > - Turbo Pascal 7's CONST parameters translated. > - Set expressions better translated (in form of array of Boolean). > - A procedure Dispose is created for each access type. > - For variables of a structured type, P2Ada creates an ad-hoc type for them. > - Option to translate a "var" parameter by "var" instead > of "in out": it is wrong but caught by the Ada compiler for the rework. > - Name of procedures and functions put after "end". > - Smarter recognition of variables (array elements, record fields,...) > - Bigger buffers for translating large sources. > - Added casing of Ada keywords (upper/lower/neutral). > > Enjoy! > ________________________________________________________ > Gautier -- http://www.mysunrise.ch/users/gdm/gsoft.htm > > NB: Pour une r�ponse directe, adresse e-mail sur le site ouaibe! > > > > > _________________________________________________________________ > MSN 8 with e-mail virus protection service: 3 months FREE*. > http://join.msn.com/?page=features/virus&xAPID=42&PS=47575&PI=7324&DI=7474&S U= > http://www.hotmail.msn.com/cgi-bin/getmsg&HL=1216hotmailtaglines_eliminatevi ruses_3mf >