"Wes Groleau" a �crit dans le message news: FhYx9.1648$Bd4.12666@dfw-service2.ext.raytheon.com... > Jean-Pierre Rosen wrote: > > In Pascal, a for loop was always done entirely; you have to be aware that > > I'm not sure exactly what that means. What French word > were you thinking of for "entirely" ? > > Anyway, all the versions of Pascal I know of allow: > > FOR iter DO stmt > > REPEAT stmt UNTIL cond > > WHILE cond DO stmt > Sure. By entirely, I meant it is executed for all values from initial value to TO value (unless you're playing with the loop control variable, but that's a different issue). Of course, I'm talking about "original" Pascal (Wirth), not languages that have considerable extensions like Turbo. -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr