"Justin Birtwell" a �crit dans le message news: 4dRv9.46453$wm6.7691@nwrddc01.gnilink.net... > Jeffery, > > Thank you for your detailed response. First I apologize for not including > the call to Get_Line() in my original post. I'd like to make reparations by > providing the correct code at the tail of this post. > > I'm running this code on my laptop (WinXP), but I don't want to write > non-portable code, meaning code that will only run on the Win32 platform. I > believe that your assessment about the line terminator behavior with > Get_Line is the cause of the problem. I tried calling Skip_Line immediately > after the call but with seeming no affect. I'm going to try to find the > packages you have referred to. > [snip] The simplest way to make sure you start a fresh line is to call set_col(1). It will do nothing if you are already at the start of the line, and will return you to the start of a new line in all other cases. -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr