I would suggest use of CORBA for heterogenous platforms. This is also valid for a project using different languages. You can have a look at http://www.topgraphx.com JC Mahieux. "Adrian Hoe" a �crit dans le message de news: 3d8f3d90_1@news.tm.net.my... > Hello, > > I am having a project which is going to be developed using gnat and > glade. This is a distributed computing involved heterogenous > platforms. For a start, a small heterogenous platforms will be setup > with two Sun Solaris workstations and a dual cpu Intel Xeon > workstation running Linux. > > Before bumping my head into the project, I like to gather as much > information about distributed programming in heterogenous platforms. > > Can anyone provide me pointers, experience, websites, sample codes and > etc. for reference? > > Many thanks in advance. > -- > type Dmitry is new Adrian; -- Adrian Hoe > -- Remove *nospam* to email >