"Marin David Condic" a �crit dans le message news: anepmc$631$1@slb7.atl.mindspring.net... > Well, I wouldn't necessarily characterize it as the "casual user". What's > the point of having a library if its only for someone who is just tinkering > around and not doing serious development? Perhaps this perspective helps: > For a serious Ada user who may not have stringent performance criteria, a > standard library is better than a roll-your-own library if he can quickly > and easily get his job done using it. In the handful of cases where there > might be a need to do something very complex or with tough requirements, the > Ada programmer may still need to roll his own because *no* standard library > can possibly meet every conceivable need. > I think you simply defined better what I called a "casual" user. Anyway, we are in agreement. -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr