Warning: not specific to Ada. Thomas Løcke sent on October 26th, 2010: |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |"On 2010-10-26 01:29, Yannick Duchêne (Hibou57) wrote: | |[..] | | | |[..] | | | |Open source does not mean that the author automatically give the user rights to | |redistribute." | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Hi, Actually that each user has a redistribution right is a requirement for something to be open-source: WWW.OpenSource.org/docs/osd |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |"Open source simply means that the source for a program is made available to the| |user. | | | |[..]" | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| It is not that simple. |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |"[..] | | | |[..] | |> | |> [..] the destruction of European | |> economy with Chinese imports, [..] | |[..]" | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Do Chinese imports destroy the European economy or do excessively high costs of living in Europe and excessively high salaries in Europe and laziness of Europeans destroy the European economy? |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |"> You talk about free, but you are probably a salary. See the paradox ? | | | | | |I don't talk about free. You keep bringing it up. There's no paradox here. And | |I'm not a salary." | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Maybe you could excuse him for not being as good at English as you? Maybe he was trying to suggest that you have a salary. |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |"[..] | | | |I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree. :o)" | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------------| No we don't ;) Colin Paul