Thank you, the List_Image package is really cool! I have two points to make: On Sun, 11 Feb 2018, Lionel Draghi wrote: > [...] to avoid forcing users to pull to much packages (unless standard) > with this simple utility, I tried another solution : I moved multi lines > declarations to platform dependent child packages named Unix_ and > Windows_Predefined_Styles. Point 1: To avoid code duplication, would it not be better to define a single generic package Predefined_Styples with a parameter EOL, and then creat the same two packages by instantiation in the spec of List_Image, as below? package Windows_Predefined_Styles is new Predefined_Styles(EOL => Windows_EOL) package Unix_Predefined_Styles is new Predefined_Styles(EOL => Unix_EOL) > The choice will still be done explicitly in the user code. Indeed! > And there is a not so satisfying code duplication. That is the problem with two different packages. Point 2: The entire approach gets in trouble if you ever generate and store a string on windows, but then use Unix to process ist, or vice versa. For portability, it might be better to fix an arbitrary line terminator -- LF, or CRLF or whatever, as long as it does never ocur as a part of a line itself -- and then delegate the problem of properly printing a sequence of lines to the user. Oh, instead of delegating the problem to the user, you could even solve it for the user by defining a child package package List_Image.Text_IO is procedure Put_Lines(Lines: String; EOL: String); end List_Image.Text_IO; The implementation would "with Ada.Text_IO", and then iterate through the individual lines in Lines, calling Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line for each line. If EOL="", Put_Lines will assume a single-line represenation and just call Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line(Lines); Unlike your current approach, this would allow implementations to be completely independent from the operation system's line termination convention. Of course, the user should always use List_Images.Text_IO.Put_Lines, to print the output from List_Images.Image. Calling Ada.Text_IO directly would be a compatibility issue. Consequently, you could (re-)define type Image_String is new String; generic with package Cursors is new Cursors_Signature (<>); with function Image (C : Cursors.Cursor) return String is <>; with package Style is new Image_Style (<>); function Image (Cont : in Cursors.Container) return Image_String; and procedure Put_Lines(Lines: Image_String; EOL: String); Would that make sense to you? Stefan -------- I love the taste of Cryptanalysis in the morning! -------- ----Stefan.Lucks (at), Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany----