On Wed, 25 Sep 2013, Mike H wrote: > For the first time ever, I have needed to print some code fragments. The > default print file command in the GNAT studio produced black and white plain > text. Is there something that will produce a more "illuminated" output? If you really need syntax highlighting, rather than reformatting, then highlight is a really good choice: The minor issue is that the Ada support of highlight is at the Ada 95 level -- since then, a few new keywords have been added, we have got the precondition-postcondition-type_invariant aspects, ect. I have recently revised the language definition to handle Ada 2012, see below. Description="ADA2012" Keywords={ { Id=1, List={"abort", "else", "new", "return", "abs", "elsif", "not", "reverse", "abstract", "end", "null", "accept", "entry", "select", "access", "exception", "", "separate", "", "aliased", "exit", "of", "", "subtype", "", "all", "or", "", "and", "", "for", "", "others", "tagged", "", "array", "function", "out", "task", "", "at", "terminate", "generic", "package", "then", "", "begin", "goto", "pragma", "type", "", "body", "private", "if", "procedure", "case", "in", "protected", "", "", "until", "", "constant", "is", "", "use", "raise", "declare", "", "", "range", "when", "", "delay", "limited", "record", "while", "", "delta", "loop", "rem", "", "with", "digits", "renames", "do", "mod", "", "requeue", "xor", "interface", "overriding", "synchronized", "some"}, }, { Id=2, List={"pre", "post", "type_invariant", "dynamic_predicate", "static_predicate"}, }, { Id=4, Regex=[[''']], }, { Id=4, List={"true", "false"}, }, { Id=4, Regex=[[ [\w\)]+('\w+) ]], } } -- Workaround: distinguish string delimiters and event markers -- (same eymbol: ') --workaround for special string ''' Strings={ Delimiter=[["|']], Escape = [[ \\[^'] ]] } IgnoreCase=true Comments={ { Block=false, Delimiter= { [[\-\-]] }, }, } Operators=[[\(|\)|\[|\]|\{|\}|\,|\;|\:|\&|\<|\>|\!|\=|\/|\*|\%|\+|\-|\.]] ------ I love the taste of Cryptanalysis in the morning! ------ --Stefan.Lucks (at) uni-weimar.de, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Germany--