"David Rasmussen" a �crit dans le message news: 3D2C2FF9.4020300@yahoo.com... > First of all, what does this message from GNAT mean: > > "with" can only appear in context clause > A context clause is a clause that appears *before* a compilation unit. A with clause cannot appear *inside* anything else, so this basically means that you have to move the with clause on top of the unit. > Secondly, where is with and use typically used, and what is the > difference between them? > A with clause means that a compilation unit needs the services from another *compilation unit* (i.e. a package, subprogram or generic which is separately compiled). A use clause factors out a *package*, i.e. you don't have to repeat the package name in front of every element. Since a package can (but needs not) be a compilation unit, there are cases where both clauses can be applied, but they are really orthogonals. -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr