"Alain FONTAINE" a �crit dans le message news: > Example: > D:\dev\ada\adabrowse_2.01\de>gcc -c -gnatc -gnatt -gnatQ -gnatq -I.. f1.ads > > D:\dev\ada\adabrowse_2.01\de>gcc -c -gnatc -gnatt -gnatQ -gnatq -I.. f2.ADS > gcc: f2.ADS: linker input file unused since linking not done > gcc recognizes which language to use according to the extension. However, anything not recognized as a language is passed to the linker. ".ads" is an extension for Ada, but not ".ADS". Therefore it should be passed to the linker, but since there is a -c option, linking is not done and gcc has nothing do to with f2.ADS. QED (french version: CQFD :-). -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr