Thanks. I did find CMD. But this is going to make it more fun to produce something for people with the different OS's and have it work the same... wants to give 8X3 filenames no matter what. CMD does long filenames, no problem, and by default too. It must be quitting time somewhere in the world... Dave Head "Bj�rn Lundin" wrote in message news:6QTB8.4153$ > Dave Head wrote: > > > > > Specified COMMAND search directory bad > > Microsoft(R) Windows DOS > > (C)Copyright Microsoft Corp 1990-1999. > > > > Howcum? Because, as far as a search of the C: drive can tell, there is no > > "" on the disk. Again, this is W2K. > > > Dave Head > The command interpreter in dos + Win9x is > However, the command interpreter in NT4 and W2000 is cmd.exe > > /Bj�rn