"Jeffrey Carter" a �crit dans le message news: 3CC5F5B0.DBC6A6B8@boeing.com... > "Warren W. Gay VE3WWG" wrote: > > > > One area that has traditionally been a sore point in Ada and GUIs is > > the client_data parameter in callbacks. Gtk kind of hacks around this, > > but I'd like to see a more perfect (Ada95) solution to this problem. > > I consider callbacks themselves a sore point. Callbacks are a hack to > handle the inherent concurrency of a windowing system in a sequential > language such as C. The natural approach is to associate a concurrent > blocking queue of events with each window; the application has a task > per window obtaining events from this queue and deciding what to do with > them. > The issue of call-backs (and more generally of the listener paradigm) will be addressed in a paper that I present at the Ada-Europe/Vienna conference. -- --------------------------------------------------------- J-P. Rosen (rosen@adalog.fr) Visit Adalog's web site at http://www.adalog.fr