I think Ada.Command_Line.Command_Name does the job. The function returns the complete pathname of the current exe. Best regards J. Schr�er "Preben Randhol" schrieb im Newsbeitrag news:slrnacb9v4.5ud.randhol+abuse@kiuk0156.chembio.ntnu.no... > How can one in Ada95 find out from which directory the Ada program is > stored in. I mean I need to find out if my program is stored in > /usr/bin/ or /usr/local/bin or some other directory. Does anybody know > how I can do this. Note that current directory is not equal to the > directory the program is stored in. I use GNAT so if GNAT has some > routines for this that I have missed, please tell me. I'll make it > portable later if needed. > > Thanks for any hints in advance. > > No it is not a homework (neither am I a student taking courses) it is > for my Glosa program (http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/Ada95/Glosa/). > > Preben > -- > "Jeg tror nordmenn har glemt hvordan de tilbreder fisk. De er mest > opptatt av firkantet fisk." > -- Kristian Kristiansen, yrkesfisker, aftenposten.no 19/04/02