Thanks very much, I was using FSU threads, and the Election task blocked all the other tasks on a blocking call by listening in a socket. I'm trying the native-threads system. "Jean-Marc Bourguet" escribi� en el mensaje > "Nazgul" writes: > > > Hi, I have a program in Ada, it's a server that listens for connections on a > > specified port, and when a connection is estabilished, it creates a new task > > to attend that conneciont. > > I assume your runtime is using the FSU threads and not the native > threads. Using the FSU has the advantage of been fully conformant, > but at the price that blocking a task did block all of them. Native > threads where not conformant in some more or less corner cases, but > when a task block, the other could run. > > I think that with 3.14, the native thread runtime is fully > conformant as it had become the default. > > You can change the runtime by changing some links. See the > installation instruction. > > Yours, > > -- > Jean-Marc