On Sat, 09 Feb 2002 09:55:48 +0800, Adrian Hoe wrote: > I released a package MT19937 and was GPL'ed few days ago. My new > revision would contain the code from package Ada.Numerics.Float_Random > (a-nuflra.adb) which is GMGPL'ed. So my new revision would also be > GMGPL'ed. And of course, the package will be switched from GPL to GMGPL > or both. Your code doesn't nessecarily have to be GMGPL'ed. You can add GMGPL code to a GPL program, and leave it GPL; the GMGPL code still retains the license, but any permissions above the GPL would be moot if you couldn't use the code without your GPL'ed additions. > But I thought GMGPL (or/and GPL?) supposed to be standard? Why exist the > authors' own interpretation of GMGPL, if any? Just standard legal reality. If you disagree with how someone is using your code, you get to chose whether to sue them or not. -- David Starner / Давид Старнзр - starner@okstate.edu Pointless website: http://dvdeug.dhis.org What we've got is a blue-light special on truth. It's the hottest thing with the youth. -- Information Society, "Peace and Love, Inc."