"Olivier Laurent" wrote in message news:8d63e22a.0310070510.607bd55a@posting.google.com... > Hi all, > > My background: PERL, JAVA, C++ > > Sorry if this question is listed in any FAQ. > > I was impressed by some tutorials I've seen over the web about ADA. > And most importantly the kind of application you can make with .I > would like to know more, just a hobby . > > Is there anybody who could point me to a book about ADA? > On the linux OS, I know there is a GNU compiler, but is there any nice > ADA GUI tool? > > Have a nice day, > > Olivier Hi Olivier I recommend you visit my website (http://www.adaworld.com) and take a look at the Learning Center / Free Books section. My first link there is a pdf file called Ada Distilled (Make explicitely to teach Ada to C++ programmers. As for GUI you can have a look at http://libre.act-europe.fr/GtkAda/ for a good GUI library. and for a tool that uses it, visit http://glade.gnome.org/ Hope this puts you one the right track :-) -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster http://www.adaworld.com