I think Ada could be more consistent regarding "/=". consider following invariant expressed in C and Ada C: !(A==B) same as (A != B) Ada: not (A = B), but (A not = B) is incorrect syntax. Alexei. "Preben Randhol" wrote in message news:slrnaskc44.rf.randhol+news@kiuk0152.chembio.ntnu.no... > Matthew Baulch wrote: > > > > I'm not advocating C when I say this, but != makes far more sense than /= > > lexically speaking. In C, the Negative of a bool is retrieved with !foo. > > In Ada, not foo. So I believe that K&R got it right using the != operator > > for 'not equal'. Ada on the other hand doesn't use the ! operator and "not > > equal" is too clumsy so it could be far worse than '/='. > > Well you can argue that they got it wrong when they chose ! in stead of > not and = instead of := and == in stead of = ;-) > > -- > Preben Randhol -------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol > �.., chaos is found in greatest abundance wherever order is being > sought. It always defeats order, because it is better organized.� > -- Interesting Times, Terry Pratchett