"Bj�rn Persson" wrote in message news:42LMe.31725$d5.185379@newsb.telia.net... > This is starting to look very much like a Windows-specific bug. That wouldn't surprise me. Integer divide-by-zero is a hardware trap on the x86 (unlike overflow and the floating point cases), so its very OS-specific as to how it is handled. So a bug in the handling on one target is unlikely to be repeated in other targets - the code is likely to be very different. In this specific case, Windows presents Integer divide-by-zero as a Windows exception (which probably isn't the same as an Ada exception). OTOH, Unix-like systems usually present this as a signal. So the code involved is going to be different. From the looks of it, there was a problem in resetting the handler after the first exception was detected. As I recall, there was something tricky about getting that to work (but I don't remember the details). Randy.