Yes, it can hideous and unpleasant if you just use Gnat.Sockets and its children only. Just take any Client/Server written in C and do a line to line converting to the Ada corresponding routine. Now, if you really want to get hurt and do it the GNAT Ada way. Try using Cobra, in the Polyorb PCS package. And for a just simple messaging try the MOM, or SOAP sub-system, also include in the Polyorb package. Also, Polyorb does have examples that work for all protocols. Now, you can find Polyorb source package on "" download page. Just download, unpack and build the PCS system. In <488a3916$0$15889$>, Thomas writes: >Hey group, > >My good friend Dwight and I are wondering about how to create a daemon >in Ada. So far we've only been able to locate this example: > > > >which honestly looks both hideous and unpleasant, to us. Yes, it might >be because we're just a bunch of beginners, but still we were hoping for >a "prettier", more Ada like approach. This one seems to rely on a lot of >pragma import C stuff. > >So, is this the only way to create a simple daemon, or can you point us >in other directions? > >-- >/Thomas L�cke > >-- The major difference between a thing that might go wrong >-- and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a >-- thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually >-- turns out to be impossible to get at or repair.