You like the sweet side of frosted shredded wheats right? Me too ;-). "To err is human. To really screw up, you need C++!" St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster "Vinzent 'Gadget' Hoefler" wrote in message news:bormns$1i4d87$ Russ wrote: >Vinzent 'Gadget' Hoefler wrote in message news:... > >This is amazing. My analogy was between redundant "with/use" clauses >and clutter in the front yard of a house for sale. For *sale*. Exactly. BTW, I still don't understand what is redundant on with and use. I don't use "use" (well, at least not globally). >Look, you are free to create your own analogies, but please don't >twist mine beyond recognition and then imagine that they are still my >analogies. It's unethical. Got that, little boy? So WTF have you tried to point out, old man? We have to clear the with's and uses to make Ada more business-compatible or what? Don't you understand your own analogies? >I really feel sorry for all you poor guys with the clueless PHBs. My >managers are fairly reasonable for the most part. Feel lucky, baby. >My job is as about as far from marketing and management as you can >get, but I am mature enough to understand that managers have an >important job to do. Well, of course they have. For instance, the job of telling the big boss that everything already works whilst the engineers are still struggling getting a beta system to run? I understand that marketing is very often based on lies, they call this advertisement, I think. But some things get far above that. >For starters, without them, I would get no >funding for my work. And they are wise enough to give me lots of >discretion on how I do my work. Great. Mine do that too. You know why? Because they don't understand what I am doing. Well, they do that as long as I deliver what they want in time, of course. Wanna hear a funny real life story? Here it is: Last Wednesday I was told by one of these "pinheads" that we need a specific feature - we dropped the idea months before because it would be much too hard to implement. The system shipped on Friday. - All in all, I got one and a half day to implement it? Sorry, such things I can't get out of my head just in a weekend. I'm not drinking *that* much. Well, I have to admit that not all of these people are that way. Sometimes they even drop by and ask me before they sell. Now guess, who the asshole will be when the customer complains? >You seem to have nothing but disdain for your managers. Call it experience. :) >Well, maybe >they earned it, but judging by your attitude, You call it attitude if I want them to deliver *working* systems? Well, call me arrogant, cynic, sarcastic, ironic, ... whatever. But I know what I am doing. And still I can laugh. That helps. >I'll bet that you are >simply too immature to appreciate their responsibilities. Oh, I was standing nearby when this particular manager talked to potential customers. What a luck that I had the decency to keep quiet. :) At least he kept the lies to a minimum. >If they're >pinheads, then I'd say they deserve you and you deserve them. You >deserve each other. More than that: We love each other. :) They give me hell a lot of interesting work to do. I always loved to push systems to their limits. >Maybe someday you'll grow up, little boy. Maybe, but I doubt it. I love the child in me and the day it dies will be the same day I die. But please, don't underestimate me. When it comes to software I am a fucking serious person. I want reliably working systems. The "five nines" are not just some figures. Vinzent.