To what I know too, there's no Ada binding for it....and it would probably be equal or less work to port the whole library to Ada instead of attempting to bind to it. -- St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster "Ronald Dauster" wrote in message news:budvvf$9al$ > Szymon Guz wrote: > > > > > well.. I know that, but my problem is a little bit different. I don't > > have money for sth like Builder or Kylix or Visual but I think that my > > program really needs to operate on some windows. I don't want to write > > that using WinApi nor Gtk; First of all the Gtk/Qt licence is not good > > The Gtk and Qt licenses are substantially different. GTK is under > LGPL and I do not see, where this creates a problem. Qt, of course, > either requires your application to be licensed under GPL or you have > to buy a commercial license. > > > for me and WinApi is terrible. I wanted to use wxWindows. It is written > > in C++, that's why I still don't know what to choose. Mix wxWindows(C++) > > with Ada or just use C++. > > As far as I know, there is no Ada binding to wxWindows and, given the > size and programming style of wxWindows, it will be a _lot_ of work to > create one. > > >