I am happy to announce, that APQ-2.1 with win32 support, is now available. It comes complete with a GUI self installer, thanks to the folks at Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (See http://nsis.sourceforge.net/site/index.php). APQ is a client level Ada95 thick binding to Databases. At the present time, APQ provides native support for: - PostgreSQL - MySQL but other databases may be supported in the future. The binary win32 APQ-2.1 release can be installed with a few mouse clicks by opening: http://home.cogeco.ca/~ve3wwg/APQ-2.1.EXE The installer is "GNAT aware", and will install APQ along side GNAT's Win32Ada binding. As a result, your APQ client programs will automatically link with it as required. An uninstaller is included, for those who just want to give it a whirl. A test program win32_test.adb is included in the above install. The test program only requires you to: 1. Choose database support by uncommenting "with" statement. 2. Edit in your account and password 3. Edit in your database name 4. gnatmake win_test 5. .\win_test This program will create a table TEST_TBL, insert a few rows, and then perform a select on the table. A full APQ-2.1 source release is also available from: http://home.cogeco.ca/~ve3wwg/apq-2.1.tar.gz This includes a win32.pdf file with instructions for building the win32 release. The APQ pdf manual is also included. APQ-2.1 UNIX/Linux Enhancement: ------------------------------- You no longer are required to provide library linker arguments. The compile: $ gnatmake win_test -largs -lapq ...for db... is now simply: $ gnatmake win_test The win32 port works the same way, thanks to GNAT pragmas. Don't Forget the www.adaworld.com Forum for APQ ----------------------------------------------- Thanks to St�phane Richard there is a small forum at www.adaworld.com for comments, suggestions and questions related to APQ. From the main page, click on "Projects' Forum" (at left) to participate. -- Warren W. Gay VE3WWG http://home.cogeco.ca/~ve3wwg