I'have problems with windex instalation : Process: ( Installation instructions - DOS way ) 1)Download as above. Correct,root directory is : c:/gnat/windex/windex in top directory C:/gnat ,I've gnat ver 3.14p 2) Define WINDEX_DRIVE and WINDEX_DIR at the top of file No problem,I modify build_dos.bat file,variables : set WINDEX_DRIVE=c: set WINDEX_DIR=\gnat\windex\windex 3)Windex/Build/build_dos.bat. From directory Windex/Build, run build_dos.bat. This will build the library, in directory Windex/Lib/Gnat_Release. !!!Perfect, but I get next error with some files : C:\GNAT\windex\Windex\Lib\Gnat_Release>gnatmake "-c -O3 -gnatn" - Ic:\gnat\Windex \windex\Source_Common windex-graphics_devices-drawing-turtle.adb gcc -c -I./ -c -O3 -gnatn -Ic:\gnat\Windex\windex\Source_Common -I- c:\gnat\Wind ex\windex\Source_Common\windex-graphics_devices.adb windex-graphics_devices.adb:449:28: no selector "Handle" for type "Handle_Type" defined at windex-bitmaps.ads:39 windex-graphics_devices.adb:486:32: no selector "Handle" for type "Handle_Type" defined at windex-bitmaps.ads:39 windex-graphics_devices.adb:489:32: no selector "Handle" for type "Handle_Type" defined at windex-bitmaps.ads:39 windex-graphics_devices.adb:509:27: no selector "Handle" for type "Handle_Type" defined at windex-brushes.ads:29 windex-graphics_devices.adb:609:29: no selector "Handle" for type "Handle_Type" defined at windex-palettes.ads:32 windex-graphics_devices.adb:614:29: no selector "Handle" for type "Handle_Type" defined at windex-palettes.ads:32 gnatmake: "c:\gnat\Windex\windex\Source_Common\windex- graphics_devices.adb" comp ilation error ���� Why ???? output, generate files Windex/lib/Gnat_Release/.o & .ali 4)To use the library: add -I%WINDEX_DRIVE%%WINDEX_DIR%\Lib\Gnat_Release to your INCLUDE list. I don't Know , if I use Adaguide, it's correct copy all files in /gnat/lib directory ??? if i use this solution, I get compilation error... Where I Would copy Windex/lib/Gnat_Release/* to Adaguide use this library by default as text_io... Thanks.