>>>>> "Olano" == Alo�a Mugica Olano writes: > We are trying to install a connection package between Ada and > Tcl/Tk. (The connection with Tcl also it makes with other > languages such as Prolog, C++, etc). > Tcl/Tk is an interpreted language that permits the easy > construction of graphical interfaces. The advantage with Tcl/Tk is > that it is easy to install other applications and extend them > fairly easily. > We are trying to install the Ada-Tcl pakage devised by Dennis > Heimbigner. According to the documentation it is ready for use > for "SunAda" and "Gnat". > We would be grateful, if you know of anyone else who has > installed or managed to this package. > Thanks! My co-worker Brett Kettering has done a considerable amount of work to extend the Heimbigner binding to Tcl. An earlier attempt to send this product to "jibmuola@SI.EHU.ES", got a host unknown. If Olano is able to respond to this message, giving me a proper address I will try to mail Brett's description of his work (about 3600 lines). -- John Woodruff N I F \ ^ / Lawrence Livermore National Lab =====---- < 0 > 510 422 4661 / v \