"Georg Bauhaus" a �crit dans le message news: 9ke8b4$qiv$1@a1-hrz.uni-duisburg.de... > _Before_ I by a car (oh, hopefully that will happen once more > some day :-) I try to find out what it is like. I think brakes > are at a much too basic level for an appropriate analogy. This is a quite appropriate analogy according to me. Millions of people use cars and motorbikes, ask them You can rent one, a lot of people do that This is much cheaper, and you can change each week-end (If you don't spend the entire week-end reading the doc ...) > :> Almost every... May I again ask for evidence? > None has arrived, afaics. > : Have you ever met people considering that computers are just tools ? > Yes. > : the important point is that it must work more or less, be easy to use, > : nobody cares what's inside ... > you claim. > : Nobody cares if it comes from the evil Microsoft or the good whatever you > : want ... > evidence? Besides, I'm not saying, M$ is evil, whatever the truth > may be. Well I think we are getting a little too childish. You don't see any evidence of what I claim, I don't see any evidence of what you claim and I guess that sometime common sense should be enough. But never mind, that's not very important, the day software world is convinced to use Ada with current mentality, I'll be very happy to aknowledge you were right and I was wrong ...