What does wheat have to do with the spelling of Ada? ;-) I remember when this was considered the incorrect spelling of "spelled". IIRC, this became accepted because it was misspelled for so long, like some other words in American English. Can I dare dream of the day when ADA becomes an accepted spelling of Ada because it is so commonly misspelled on a large scale because of it's widespread usage? ;-) Of course, if they can't get the name of the language right, their code may be a little suspect as well. And no, I'm not advocating spelling it incorrectly. I don't like it either. Frank *** I just did a major change on my website (couple weeks back) to change the spelling of Ada to be consistant throughout my website :-). -- "To err is human. To really screw up, you need C++!" St�phane Richard "Ada World" Webmaster http://www.adaworld.com